Online Safety


    Designated Safeguarding Lead: Robyn Widdup Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral) DSL


    The internet has become central to all our lives and young people are increasingly accessing the internet whenever they can and wherever they are. Access to online content is hugely beneficial: it offers many educational and social experiences for young people and gives them access to a world of information and opportunities.

    However, navigating the online world can put young people at risk. Just as you would protect your child in the real world, it is important to equip them with the skills and knowledge to stay safe online, making sure they understand the risks and can make sensible and informed choices. This will allow them to make the most of the internet, while staying safe, particularly from people who may try to exploit them.

    Dover Grammar School for Girls recognises the risks associated with the online world and teaches students how to navigate the online world safely and confidently. We provide an online safety curriculum for all students from Year 7 to 13 through:

    • The PSHE curriculum
    • Computer Science curriculum
    • UK Safer Internet Day assemblies and activities in February of each year
    • Support via Form Tutors and Tutor Time
    • Extended Learning Days
    • Assemblies
    • Tutor Time Activities

    Students are taught to recognise the four areas of risk when being online. These are called the 4Cs:


    Filtering and Monitoring

    The school ensures the safety of students and staff in school by ensuring that it has up to date filtering and monitoring systems in place to ensure students are safe whilst using the Internet and other online tools. These are tested regularly and updated according to changing risks.

    What Can Parents/ Carers do at Home?

    In order to protect your child online, there are a number of things you can do. First and foremost is to make sure that you understand the current risks of using the internet and the apps your child is using on their devices.

    We actively encourage all parents/ carers to:

    • Maintain active discussions with their children around online safety: do you know exactly what apps they have on their devices? Who are they speaking to? Do they know how to recognise risk and keep information secure?
    • Check with their children that they know what to do if they are contacted by someone online about whom they feel uncomfortable? Let them feel they can discuss any worries with you – even if they have made bad choices
    • Ensure they are aware of the risks inherent in the 4Cs and how to avoid these
    • Consider removing all devices from your child’s bedroom at night.
    • Go online yourself so that you are familiar with and understand the potential benefits and risks associated with internet access
    • Get to know your child’s ‘online friends’ just as you do their other friends
    • Talk to your child if you are concerned about your child’s online activities and know how to report without delay if you have concerns
    • Put filtering in place at home and consider downloading apps to monitor online usage
    • Impose sensible time limits on the use of devices at home. You may be interested in the OurPact app that can help to manage this
    • Contact the Key Stage Teams or any of the Designated Safeguarding Team to share any concerns as early as possible.
    • We have selected a range of useful resources and websites below to help you with this and these can be accessed through the links at the bottom of this page.


    CEOP helps any child or young person under the age of 18 who is being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity of any kind. This can be something that has taken place either online or in ‘the real world’, or both. The CEOP Safety Centre has clear information and advice on what can be reported, the reporting process and what will happen if you do decide to make a report. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking on the link below.


    Think You Know:



    Information from National Online Safety



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